Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hey Ju...How do you do?

First, the good news.

The doctor told Ju yesterday that the tests were clear. If that wasn't clear, it meant that the cysts are non-cancerous. HOORAY! Praise GOD!

Ju will be writing her own praise report later. For starters, I'm posting a photo-story of Ju's journey over the last few days....

DAY 1, 18 March - The cysts and fibroids are out...and so is Ju.

Day 2, 19 March - Don't know what "43" and "80" on the machine mean,
but Ju's wearing "23". Psalm 23 to be exact.

Day 3, 20 March - What say you?
I'd say we are seeing shades of good 'ol JU!

Day 4, 21 March - Juliana on her way out of Mt Alvernia

Thank God for family and friends............

A heartfelt thanks to all who have carried Ju in your prayers
and called, sms-ed, emailed, visited her!

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