Thursday, November 09, 2006


It has been a month since the new worship ministry officially commenced its one-year project on 17th September and I want to take this modest milestone as a platform to share with you our journey so far. And yes, we have finally decided upon our name, which is Band of Followers, an ICPE Worship Ministry. \o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/\o/

The Lord is calling us to go beyond what we know for He has much more to reveal to us, just as He revealed Himself to Moses in the burning bush and gave him his mission after Moses had taken his flock to the far side of the desert. His word spoken through a member of our community has greatly encouraged us as we began our life together as a fledgling ministry. On various levels, we have been and are being challenged to go beyond our comfort zones, and the promise that God will reveal Himself to us and lead us every step of the way continues to encourage us to go forward, seeking His glory. Jesus is calling us to come to Him, to cross the suspension bridges ( a very real image for some of us in the team!) of our fears and lack of trust, to enjoy the feast prepared for us and to seek Him in the midst of questions and not knowing - we see the golden thread of God's word to us and continue to glorify Him and give Him thanks!

To put it in a nutshell, the aim of the worship ministry is to use the gift of music to glorify God. We seek to promote the celebration of Jesus' presence in our lives, and in our Church and its liturgy especially the Eucharist, and to encourage especially the future generation of Catholics in their expression of love and worship of their Saviour.

So what have we been up to?
We've spent the past month praying together,sharing faith stories, clarifying practical things like protocols for practices, going through and shortlisting songs we want to focus on (both English and German), planning for the next couple of months, brainstorming the name for the ministry as well as fund-raising ideas, working on some new songs and practising for the weekly Sunday worship as well as the upcoming outreaches.

One big blessing I am very grateful for has been to find the members of the team clicking very well with one another. We are quite different in our personalities and backgrounds! :-) Therefore, what's especially significant for us is that in our times of worship as a team, we always experience the presence of God in our midst, uniting us and bringing us back to the heart of why each of us are here, which is to worship Him and love Him with all that we are, and as one body! \0/

Finally, here's sharing with you the schedule of upcoming events which we will be involved in:

October 21, Freiburg
- a 2 hour programme during the Open Church Day of the parish.

October 24-26, Allerheiligen
- live-in seminar with 5 youth from Leipzig. Contact person is Klemens Saket.

October 27-November 5, Berlin
- supporting the outreach planned by the youth work of the charismatic renewal of Germany which includes intercession, outreach to local groups of Berlin and possibly schools.

November 6-10, FSJ
- Derek and Ben serving at FSJ

November 10-12, Wurtsburg
- running a programme with Wurtsburg youth group based on the theme of the Cross.

November 17-18, Ravensburg
- attending a worship conference which gathers worship leaders all over Germany. We are going there to learn and witness what God is doing nationwide.

November 19, Ausburg
- serving through leading worship at mass. This parish sponsors missionary work and has chosen ICPE Germany to be their beneficiary this month.

November 20-December 2, FSJ
- Derek, Bea and Ben serving at FSJ

December 3-28, Asia
- serving in Life in the Spirit Seminar in Johor Bahru, Malaysia
- attending Planetshakers Conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- visiting and ministering to ICPE Manila community

Ju, our sound technician will join us in Asia and plans to arrive in Allerheiligen either on 28 or 29 December. Super! And God willing, we are hoping and praying for a drummer and a bass guitarist to join the team. Hence the ample space in the band photo for more members to come!

Please continue to pray for us.

You know that it is not the noise we make in our lives or the things we see that count, but the love with which we do the will of God.

September : Chris in Allerheiligen

Greetings from Allerheiligen!

After having been in the New Zealand mission centre for 3 years, I am now 2 weeks plus in my new mission centre.Well, I came in a very busy period what with the leadership meetings,Kisi Kids workshop, Igor and Marica's wedding plus several guestsvisiting.....thankfully and finally, after all the above, I am goingto move into my proper room at the staff house this week. Yey! I canfinally unpack my suitcase :-)

Two Sundays ago (17 Sept), our new worship team officially commenced itsone-year project with the celebration of the Sunday Eucharist. The word we received as the community prayed for us was to go beyond whatwe know because God has more to reveal to us, like Moses whoencountered the Lord in the burning bush after he took his flockbeyond the familiar grazing ground. That word resonated very much with me because it was similar to whatstruck me in the Gospel reading of the day I left Singapore to come to Allerheiligen: of Jesus telling Peter to go into the deep waters andto let down his nets for a catch.And indeed, it has been (and I know it will be) the case of my going into deep waters on various levels.Most importantly, I grasped that the Lord's priority for me is to go deeper in my relationship with Him. So my resolve is to protect mypersonal time with Him and to learn to listen more to Him speaking tomy heart in the quiet. Indeed, the Lord has designed the serene spaceand landscape of Allerheiligen as a big chapel. So I feel very blessedto be here.

There are 6 of us in the worship team at the moment: Derek,Bea, Angie, Patricia, Ben (from Bavaria) and myself.

Our first week has been a very good start to our year together as we prayed together, listened to Derek share about the project, to oneanother's faith stories, clarified practical things like protocols for planned for the next couple of months, brainstormed on the name forour ministry and fund-raising ideas, etc.

btw, I really enjoy the sound of German songs and look forward to singing them with greater understanding of the lyrics. ;-)

Although we are very different in many ways and ages (see attached photo), and do not know one another well, we find ourselves clicking very well with one another (Phew, praise God!). What's especially significant for us is that in our times of worship as a team, we always experience the very strong presence of God in our midst, and a freedom to praise and proclaim God's word. Through these times, I can see Father God is truly desiring to affirm us of the one call He has placed on our hearts.

Honestly sometimes I do feel rather inadequate in terms of music skill and knowledge and experience in ministry and what I can contribute. I know this is something I need to surrender to God; my fears and reservations, my own definition of my strengths as well as my weaknesses. To trust in His call (Go deeper!), to rely on His word (Let down your nets for a catch) and believe He has more in store for me than I can ever ask for or imagine (The nets were filled to breaking point).

The question is how open I am to receive what God desires to give me.This is the deep He is calling me to.Pray for me, in the words of Steve Curtis Chapman's song, that I will DIVE right in! And savour the goodness of the Lord!

God has been very kind to me even as I settle into life here. One hugeblessing was being able to see Rainer, Jitka and Esther again. Theseare the familiar faces I have been given to journey together in mymissionary life so far. And having them around brought me so much joy- just see my photo taken with Rainer. Big smiles there! :-D

Rainer: I appreciate your making time for me while you were here and blessing me with your friendship and words of encouragement. Bless you, too ah

After bidding farewell to Esther, the last of the familiar faces to leave here, I felt sad. As Esther said, now is the time to practise communion. I suppose it means that connectedness in the Spirit of Christ that transcends distance. I'm thankful this grace is availableto me. And which comforts me even as I face another call to go deeperand that is to grow me in fraternal relationships here in this newcommunity. DIVE! DIVE! DIVE!

OK, that's all for now. I hope you are all keeping well in the Lord. Weather's turned cooler and wetter. Am waiting for the autumn-glory ofthe Lord :-)

Praying God's abundant blessings on you,chris

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

15 May, Sacred Heart Girls' College, New Plymouth

We presented an hour's programme each to 2 classes of the college and it was a bonus that some of the girls from New Plymouth Lifeteen who were students there (Alana, Therese, Roseanne) could come to support us. One of them, Roseanne, very bravely gave her testimony when we asked her to, and we were very proud of her! The action song "Trading My Sorrows" went very well with the students (thanks, Steph, for teaching that to us :-). We also played a short video that had a Christian message. It was a powerful way to convey the Gospel and which could capture the young people's attention. If you are interested to know further, just let us know and we can tell you more

Chris sharing her personal testimony.

Ju giving a taching on sharing our faith.

Picture with some of the girls who attending the proggramme at the monastery at the end opf April lending us their moral support.

16-21 May, School & Parish Mission :Outreach in Ngaruawahia

While we weere on Parish Mission in Huntly, we also had the opportuinity to reach out to St Paul's primary school in are some photos of our time with the kids.

11 June, Au Revoir Chris ;-(

On 11 June, the community and friends came together to bid farewell to Chris who in September will be joining tzhe ICPE commnity in Germany. The gathering was filled with laughter and tears as different people honoured Chris for who she is and the blessing she has been for each one of them during her stay in New Zealand.

Despite the tears, it was a time of great rejoicing adn gratitude for all that Gopd has done and the miracle and blessing of each encounter, each relationship that has developed in her time in New Zealand.

So for Chris it is good-bye to her home in Middle Earth.
We wish her all the best for her time in Germany where we know for sure she will be blessed and be in turn a blessing for those who God will place in her path during her stay there.

Titus with Chris...he baked his first cake...for Chris!! Well done Titus!! The cake was yummy!

Picture with fellow Singapreans we have be-friended in our time in New Zealand.

Worship Nights at St Gerard's

We started a monthly worship nights 3 months ago in response to God's call to make St St Gerard's a spiritual lighthouse, a house of prayer.

The poster for the first worship night at St Gerard's

Chris part of the worship team for the 1st worship night. (far left on her guitar)

The second worship night
Chris leads worship at the 3rd Worship Night, 28 May
Sr Mari had a prophetic word that God wanted to do a healing work in people's hearts that night and indeed, as we made specae for people to pray for each other, the Holy Spirit moved among them with His healing touch and strength and that was borne out from the testimonies given at the end of the evening.
God is indeed faithful to His word!!

For those interested, the worship night happens every last Friday of the month.

16-21 May, School & Parish Mission:Outreach in Huntly

The Huntly Outreach Team - John (Malayisa), Esther (India) & Chris, Cat & Ju (Singapore) From Kaponga, we drove north to Huntly to conduct 3 days of outreach at the St Anthony's Primary School as well as a 3-evening parish seminar. It was very special that we could spend those few days with the 29 kids from the senior class. We shared with them about God's love for them, their identity in Him and how they could grow in these truths. The biggest blessing was that we could talk to and pray for each of them individually. We were chuffed when at the closing mass, all of them came up and prayed for us ;-)

We did not have time to do home visits at Huntly because of our day programmes with the kids but despite that, a good number turned up for the evening seminars, including almost all the staff from the primary school. It was very strongly felt by the team that God's mission for us was to bring new hope and encouragement to His people there. This was confirmed by the feedback and responses we received from those who attended the seminars. Praise God!

Chris leading the childrens choir at mass.

Chris giving a teaching on the Images of God

Chris & I listen on as the kids share about their pictures of family and where God fits into their family.

6-13 May, Parish Mission :Outreach in Kaponga

7 of us conducted a parish mission in Kaponga & Manaia. It was wonderful that we could visit parishioners at their homes, listen to their feedback, pray with them and encourage them. We witnessed God's amazing grace in bringing home to Him one parishioner who had stayed away from church and the sacrament of reconciliation for 20 years. God's transforming grace was evident by the brightening of her face and whole demeanour as the days went by. We were also blessed by the warrm and loving, friendships that were struck as we spent time witht he people.

Witht the youth in Kaponga

With the kids in St Patrick's Primary School.

Chris and John performing the mime "The PAinter"...Chris is John's beautiful model...mime depicting how different people/things look when seen through God's eyes.

Ju giving taching on the 4 Gospel Truths with the enthusiastic help of the kids in the school.

9-16 April, Holy Week Retreat: "Stone Rolled Away"

5 people signed up for a live-in retreat at St Gerard's during Holy Week. They received teachings, experienced various prayer forms, had a taste of community life, participated in the Holy Week's liturgy and para-liturgy, including a Sedar meal, Maundy Thursday mass and washing of feet, Stations of the Cross, Good Friday service and of course Easter Sunday Eucharist. It was a week of restoration and new hope for the participants.

The theme of the retreat was "Stone Rolled Away" was a special time of celebration.

Chris giving her teaching on God's covenantal love

25-28 April, New Plymouth Lifeteen Leaders :Wise Man Built His House Upon A Rock!

Lifeteen New Plymouth

6 girls from New Plymouth's Lifeteen Group came for a live-in programme with us at St Gerard's. The passage that the programme was based on was Matthew 7....about building their house on the right foundation.

The programme was based on the needs they had identified. We ran the programme in collaborated with Wellington Lifeteen and the Head of the Liturgy Office. Throughout the 4-day programme, God ministered to them in very evident ways and they left St Gerard's, each personally strengthened and recharged! It was very heartening for us to meet them again a couple of weeks later and to know they are faithfully working on the resolutions they had made at the end of the programme, and also that they've grown closer as friends. \o/

The lifeteen girls in front of the backdrop they created.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Mario visits us in New Zealand

Last week, we had our founder Mario Capello visit our community. We first met him in Singapore 3 years ago just before we returned to New Zealand to begin staff formation. That encounter with him and his wife Anna was very significant because through experiencing their love and zeal for God and their goodness as persons, we felt affirmed in our decision to join the organisation which they founded. Meeting him again this time was another blessing as we discern God's next step for us.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Prison Ministry training

5 of us who are involved in the Prison Ministry attended a day's training organised by Prison Fellowship. It was sobering and staggering to be told that there are 20 prisons in New Zealand with an inmate population of 7000 (and growing) for a nation of 4 million people.

A significant number of the inmates are below 30 years of age and the number of repeat offenders is high. The figures reinforced the importance of going into the mission field of souls behind the prison walls and bringing the Good News to many who do not know God. It was also helpful to gain a bigger perspective and to see how we as volunteers play a part in the overall prison system of rehabilitation for the inmates.

We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love. Mother Teresa

Happy Birthday Chris!

Chris celebrated her 36th birthday on 17th March....her 36th ;-)

I look forward to this new year of my life with much excitement and hope and joy as I can see the Lord making a way for me in my ongoing journey of growing in faith and healing and ministry. One door that has been opened is the Pastoral Care School which I've been wanting to attend for the past 2 years but was not able to because of other outreach commitments. This School is a 3-week course focussed on inner healing and pastoral counselling. Check out if you want to find out more. With our leaders' blessing, Ju and I will be attending this year's School happening in Germany in June. We plan to break our journey with a few days' stay in Singapore and we are looking forward to spending some time with family and friends again.

Chris' birthday was a time for me of great rejoicing and gratitude to God for the gift of her in my life. I thank Him for such a wonderful sister and friend on this journey of life that continues to encourage me to seek wholeheartedly God's call in my life and for the privilege of witnessing her courageous response to His call in her own life. I thank Him for such a precious friend who in the last years have generously loved me through thick and thin, for allowing me to be me and yet gently challanging me to be reach my full potential...the Ju God has created me to be. I thank you Chris for believing in me.... through your faithfulness and commitment to wanting the best for me....i see and experience God's love. \o/! Thanks my buddy!

Au Revoir Jessie!

Jessie, our dear friend and fellow missionary of 3 years, and Ju's room-mate left for the Philippines to serve in our Manila mission centre for 2 years. It was quite an emotional farewell for us but we are very happy for Jessie as she continues to pursue her calling.

Thank you Jessie for your friendship...we are blessed by who you are and your friendship!!

Exit Mould! Enter Makeover!

Part of this year's plan was to undertake some modest home improvement projects around the monastery. One priority item was the women's bathroom which was in a deplorable state with its flaky paint and widespread mould. 4 of us - Ju, Cat, Jessie and Chris - got down to scrapping, sandpapering, painting...and a little help from our little helper (rene in action)!...

Check out the "before makeover " women's bathroom

The new and improved bathroom.

Risking our "lives" for a new coat of paint for our breakfast area.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Chinese New Year & Other Happenings:

Chinese New Year was a blast! The Asians in our community hosted the reunion dinner on New Year's Eve for about 40 people and we really enjoyed putting the meal together and feasting in good company thereafter.

We made friends with a fellow Singaporean who is with the Focolare movement. His name is Desmond Ang. He is in blue...anybody knows him?

We've started our first study project of the year based on the book called "Mary, Mirror of the Church" by Raneiro Cantalamessa. We are on Chapter Uno this week. A modest step! Will share more as we delve deeper into the book.

On the Bible reading front, we are now into the letter to the Hebrews. We meet half an hour every morning to read it together round-robin style, each taking a turn to read a verse. It is refreshing to read Scripture aloud together with others! Try it and experience God's word alive and active! :-)

Staff Retreat 2006

Last Sunday (12 Feb), we ended our week of silent retreat. It was a very fruitful and graced time for us.

On both our personal level and as a community, this retreat was essentially a call to return to the awareness of our deepest desires and pursuing what gives us passion and life.

I was impressed by what our retreat spiritual director (Father Richard, a Jesuit) said about the secret behind the dramatic jump in the number of Jesuits from the time St Ignatius first started the Society of Jesus (9 men) to when he died (over a thousand sent worldwide with Saint Francis Xavier looking to evangelise China). The secret was that they knew what they deeply desired and that gave them the passion and zeal to "set the world ablaze!" for the greater glory of God and for the salvation of souls.

After 5 days of personal silent retreat, we came together as a community to pray and share about what each of us saw as the apostolic work God desires us in the New Zealand centre to undertake beginning in this year. Over 2 days, we witnessed how the Holy Spirit moved among us and united us as thoughts and opinions were expressed honestly, listened to respectfully and discerned prayerfully. These ultimately gained a coherence which everyone agreed to proceed with. Focus will be on prayer and liturgical outreaches at St Gerard's, making it a spiritual Lighthouse, a House of Prayer, a place of vibrant Catholic worship and on deeper faith formation for parishes and for the young in primary schools. This was the first time we have done this Ignatian discernment exercise together as a community and the fruit of it filled us with renewed hope and joy as we continue to seek to do God's will.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


It has been slightly over a month since we returned to New Zealand. How has it been?

“Celebration” is what comes to my mind as I try to describe this past month. My Oxford Dictionary of Current English explains “celebration” as “marking an important occasion by doing something special and enjoyable”. And yes, we have marked a few significant milestones the past month in special and enjoyable ways.

There was of course, Christmas!

We were glad to celebrate this happy and holy day with our ICPE community here in Wellington. Having said that, we had to grapple with waves of nostalgia and sentimentality as we thought of family and friends back in Singapore whom we had just said goodbye to.

The New Year was ushered in with a barbeque (very Kiwi-esque) and a dance party (our in-house DJ Frank was back in the house after a one year hiatus in Europe) and a celebration of Ruth’s birthday as we entered the new year.

It was significant that we began this new year in New Zealand, where we first said yes to God’s call to be a missionary in the ICPE community and where we find ourselves once again seeking the Lord’s next pit stop for each of us in this amazing race.

Part of being in this amazing race is that we never quite know where and when the Lord will send our team members out to. Last week, we said goodbye to Susanna as she returned to Korea and on to Indonesia and God knows where next. We are sad to see her leave us but knowing she is following God’s call made it easier for us to bid her “au revoir”. We will see you again, Susanna!

We have begun our weekly visits to the Rimutaka Prison. Here’s a photo of us taken with the other members of the prison ministry team.

That’s all for now.

“To do your will, O my God, is my delight.
And your law is within my heart!”
Psalm 40:9