Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Worship Nights at St Gerard's

We started a monthly worship nights 3 months ago in response to God's call to make St St Gerard's a spiritual lighthouse, a house of prayer.

The poster for the first worship night at St Gerard's

Chris part of the worship team for the 1st worship night. (far left on her guitar)

The second worship night
Chris leads worship at the 3rd Worship Night, 28 May
Sr Mari had a prophetic word that God wanted to do a healing work in people's hearts that night and indeed, as we made specae for people to pray for each other, the Holy Spirit moved among them with His healing touch and strength and that was borne out from the testimonies given at the end of the evening.
God is indeed faithful to His word!!

For those interested, the worship night happens every last Friday of the month.

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