Wellington, New Zealand
The School IS happening!
We are expecting 10 participants - praise God for calling each one of them, and for the "yes" that each one of them gave in response.
They are coming from Poland, UK, Canada, Korea, Singapore, Nigeria and New Zealand.
Pray for them, and pray for us as we gear up for the School, an exciting season of grace.
More news will be posted on this blog in the days ahead!
Ju and I attended such a School in 2003, also run by ICPE in New Zealand. It was indeed a life-changing experience for us.
After 5 years, we are still running the race, impelled by the love of Christ for us and for the world. We are but mere earthen vessels, broken and weak, utterly fallible (as infallibly proven time and time again!) and yet undeniably we hold this treasure within us, this power, this faith in a loving Saviour Jesus Christ, this grace that sustains us, not of our making, but a gift from our dear Father above.
And we still very much believe in the value of coming away for a solid period of time, to make space for God to work in a deeper, wider way in our hearts - to heal hidden wounds, to straighten out inward and wayward paths, to set free what wants to come alive, to awaken or re-awaken dreams and visions and potential, to dare us to step out into the deep, to fan the flame of "yes" we feel deep inside ourselves, to inflame our hearts with His passion for us and to give us the grace to respond to His call to be His witnesses, in whatever vocation or lifestyle He may make clear to each of us.
The harvest is huge! We can't be everywhere but we want to be where He is calling us to be. Through the school, it became clearer to each of us where the Lord is calling us to be. And for that, we are forever thankful.
Hence our promoting such a school of discipleship. Write to either of us if you are interested to find out more. We'll be glad to share our experience with you! Did I not say that the school is also a lotta fun? :-D
Ju is at juliana68@gmail.com
Chris is at christinachua@gmail.com
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