Tuesday, March 06, 2007

What's been happening

What's Happening on Our Side?

The School of Missions is going into its fourth week. We've just finished a week on Jesus in the 4 Gospels. It was a very intensive week of learning (with lectures in the morning, afternoon and evening) blended beautifully with times of prayer and reflection which allowed us to also experience the person of Jesus we learnt so much about. We also had lots of fun working in groups and preparing creative summaries and leading animations. Mike and Patricia Papendkort did a great job as our teachers and facilitators. This is indeed their ministry and I hope that more and more people will get to experience and learn as much as we did from them.

As we spend time with the participants, we are getting to know the 14 of them more and more. They are varied and great company: ernest, receptive and very fun-loving. The youngest among them is Luke who is 19 and hails from Great Britain. There are 6 Koreans and we are very impressed with their assiduity as night after night they gather to re-cap the day's teachings with Michael Park who would translate the teaching into Korean for them. Wow!

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Another beautiful thing we witness in the group dynamics is how friendship can be forged over language barriers as we see how a young German participant became buddies with another Korean participant with haltering English as their communication bridge.

We also have 3 Singaporeans in our midst: Jocelyn, Stephen and Sharon. It was great to celebrate the Lunar New Year with these new friends!

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On the ministry side, Ju's learning the ropes of sound engineering on the job! Yes, it has been an interesting time.....it is nice to be able to learn something new. All i can say is that the sound is improving so that is a good sign...and yes much more of the rope to climb but i am really enjoying myself.

I am happy that we have re-started our regular band practices and thus been able to learn new songs and introduce them to the School and the community. Recent songs include “You Alone Are God”, “From the Inside Out” from Hillsongs’ Mighty to Save album. We’ve also introduced “Pick It Up” and “Fall in this Place” from Planetshakers’ Pick It Up album. We are planning to learn “Awesome is the Lord Most High” by Chris Tomlin. This is not a new song (relatively speaking) but nonetheless it has good lyrics and rhythm. In addition, Luke just got me excited about new songs from Soul Survivor, Delirious! and Tim Hughes which I would like to listen to and see if we can introduce any of them as well.

The heart is rich when it is content, and it is always content when its desires are fixed on God. Nothing can bring greater happiness than doing God's will for the love of God. - St. Miguel Febres Cordero (1854-1910)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello Chris & Ju,
I now can see all photo, very nice to match faces to the story ^_^ will pray for your school!
Have a lovely week!