The Huntly Outreach Team - John (Malayisa), Esther (India) & Chris, Cat & Ju (Singapore)
From Kaponga, we drove north to Huntly to conduct 3 days of outreach at the St Anthony's Primary School as well as a 3-evening parish seminar. It was very special that we could spend those few days with the 29 kids from the senior class. We shared with them about God's love for them, their identity in Him and how they could grow in these truths. The biggest blessing was that we could talk to and pray for each of them individually. We were chuffed when at the closing mass, all of them came up and prayed for us ;-)
We did not have time to do home visits at Huntly because of our day programmes with the kids but despite that, a good number turned up for the evening seminars, including almost all the staff from the primary school. It was very strongly felt by the team that God's mission for us was to bring new hope and encouragement to His people there. This was confirmed by the feedback and responses we received from those who attended the seminars. Praise God!
Chris leading the childrens choir at mass.
Chris giving a teaching on the Images of God
Chris & I listen on as the kids share about their pictures of family and where God fits into their family.