Thursday, March 30, 2006

Mario visits us in New Zealand

Last week, we had our founder Mario Capello visit our community. We first met him in Singapore 3 years ago just before we returned to New Zealand to begin staff formation. That encounter with him and his wife Anna was very significant because through experiencing their love and zeal for God and their goodness as persons, we felt affirmed in our decision to join the organisation which they founded. Meeting him again this time was another blessing as we discern God's next step for us.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Prison Ministry training

5 of us who are involved in the Prison Ministry attended a day's training organised by Prison Fellowship. It was sobering and staggering to be told that there are 20 prisons in New Zealand with an inmate population of 7000 (and growing) for a nation of 4 million people.

A significant number of the inmates are below 30 years of age and the number of repeat offenders is high. The figures reinforced the importance of going into the mission field of souls behind the prison walls and bringing the Good News to many who do not know God. It was also helpful to gain a bigger perspective and to see how we as volunteers play a part in the overall prison system of rehabilitation for the inmates.

We cannot all do great things, but we can do small things with great love. Mother Teresa

Happy Birthday Chris!

Chris celebrated her 36th birthday on 17th March....her 36th ;-)

I look forward to this new year of my life with much excitement and hope and joy as I can see the Lord making a way for me in my ongoing journey of growing in faith and healing and ministry. One door that has been opened is the Pastoral Care School which I've been wanting to attend for the past 2 years but was not able to because of other outreach commitments. This School is a 3-week course focussed on inner healing and pastoral counselling. Check out if you want to find out more. With our leaders' blessing, Ju and I will be attending this year's School happening in Germany in June. We plan to break our journey with a few days' stay in Singapore and we are looking forward to spending some time with family and friends again.

Chris' birthday was a time for me of great rejoicing and gratitude to God for the gift of her in my life. I thank Him for such a wonderful sister and friend on this journey of life that continues to encourage me to seek wholeheartedly God's call in my life and for the privilege of witnessing her courageous response to His call in her own life. I thank Him for such a precious friend who in the last years have generously loved me through thick and thin, for allowing me to be me and yet gently challanging me to be reach my full potential...the Ju God has created me to be. I thank you Chris for believing in me.... through your faithfulness and commitment to wanting the best for me....i see and experience God's love. \o/! Thanks my buddy!

Au Revoir Jessie!

Jessie, our dear friend and fellow missionary of 3 years, and Ju's room-mate left for the Philippines to serve in our Manila mission centre for 2 years. It was quite an emotional farewell for us but we are very happy for Jessie as she continues to pursue her calling.

Thank you Jessie for your friendship...we are blessed by who you are and your friendship!!

Exit Mould! Enter Makeover!

Part of this year's plan was to undertake some modest home improvement projects around the monastery. One priority item was the women's bathroom which was in a deplorable state with its flaky paint and widespread mould. 4 of us - Ju, Cat, Jessie and Chris - got down to scrapping, sandpapering, painting...and a little help from our little helper (rene in action)!...

Check out the "before makeover " women's bathroom

The new and improved bathroom.

Risking our "lives" for a new coat of paint for our breakfast area.